Sunday, December 13, 2009

Avoiding Holiday Pitfalls

The Christmas season is upon us which means family parties, school parties, work parties, church parties, goodies from friends, baking traditional holiday treats, and the list goes on...  For so many of us these temptations become overwhelming.  You want to savor those treats that your neighbor brings you every year, make your favorite fudge, and don't forget the sugar cookies with your kids!  Then there are the parties which are all about the food and white elephant gift exchanges.   Pretty soon those calories add up and you are one of the statistics - one of the Americans who gains 5 to 10 pounds every christmas on average.  And for some reason those 5 to 10 pounds seem to stick to more than half of us year after year.  You can still enjoy the delicious foods of the holiday season, just indulge your sweet tooth in moderation.

How can you stay on track without becoming the Grinch?  Here are a few tips.

1.  Before going to any social function eat a healthy meal.  That way you are not hungry.   When we are really hungry we tend to eat more than necessary.  When you pair that with eating holiday sweets then you have a recipe for disaster.  Pick and choose your favorite foods and then just have 1 or 2.  No need to eat 6 pieces of fudge.  DO NOT skip a meal before a party.  You will be hungrier and likely make much poorer choices.  Balance is the key.  Enjoy the goodies and balance it with fruits, veggies, lean meats, and exercise.

2.  Limit Sweet Drinks & Choose water.  Have sweetened drinks in moderation.  Calories from drinks can add up quickly and they won't curb your appetite.  Be mindful of how many mugs of hot cocoa, wassail, glasses of sparkling cider or wine, etc that you have.  Especially beware of alcoholic drinks which are 7 calories per gram of alcohol rather than other sweetened drinks that are generally 4 calories per gram or carbohydrates (sugars).  Just one 8 ounce glass of sparkling cider can add an extra 140 calories to your day.  Research shows that even consuming an extra 100 calories per day will cause you to gain 1 pound per month.  That's 12 pounds in a year!

3.  Partner up.  Ask your spouse, partner, or a friend to be your buddy in making healthier choices.  Commit to each other how much you will allow yourselves before you go out and then help each other stick to it.

4. Keep veggies and fresh fruit on hand at home.  Make sure that there are healthy selections at your fingertips so it is as easy to choose something healthy as it is to reach into that tin of fudge!  This might be the time of year you want to splurge on a nice veggie tray to keep in the fridge so the snacks are ready to go.

5.  Get your beauty sleep.  When we are sleep deprived our body's hormones often get out of sync.  That can lead to increased appetite.  So to keep your slim waistline record the holiday specials and get to bed earlier.

6.  Start a new holiday tradition.  Each year give your friends and neighbors something healthy instead of candy and sweets.  For example, I used to give my friends and neighbors homemade salsa for christmas instead of cookies, etc.  I got so many compliments and several friends would remark that they couldn't wait for my salsa each year.  And the savory flavor was a nice break from all the sugar.   Another thing you can do is give ornaments or something else that is not edible.  A friend of mine gave me a darling christmas towel or bread cloth one year.  I loved it and still use it in my kitchen every year and I think of her when I see it.  That's a gift that will keep on giving for years to come.

7.  Be a Social Butterfly.  Don't be a total Scrooge and poo poo all the yummy dishes this year.  You can try multiple dishes, just have small portions.  Spend more time socializing with people than standing around the food table.

8.  Increase your Physical Activity.  Move more and you can eat a little more. Walk around the neighborhood delivering cards and goodies.  Add two 15 minute walks in a day.  Balance is the key.

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